SMR instruction at the 2009 CrossFit Games
Come learn what is possible through self-care.
With our hands-on workshops you will learn how to work your body from head to toe, locate the muscles that contribute to proper joint function, and address the ones that limit proper range of motion when they lock up.
If your issue is muscle related you’ll learn techniques that can help.
You will also learn cues for proper tool placement and body position, as well as when it is time to call a licensed therapist.
2-Hour Introduction to SMR Mini-Clinic
You will be learn how to approach the primary and secondary muscle regions that you should be working on through your SMR homework. (Do your homework!) We will cover 6 to 10 of the 19 regions during the course of the class, with the class participants playing an active part in determining which areas we focus on.
Not all joint problems can be fixed through SMR, but you will learn what to look for so you know when to buckle down and do more self-care, and when you should pick up that phone and call for help.
Imagine 90 minutes of massage…it’s similar to that!
All participants receive 2 hours of hands-on instruction in the Alexander Method of SMR, a digital copy of the Fundamentals of SMR manual (Written instructions with full-color pictures and anatomical illustrations for all 19 fundamental SMR exercises in a 85-page workbook) and a high-density SMR ball.
Additional educational materials are available as well as products from Rumble Roller, Trigger Point Performance, massage-grade marble or basalt stones, and some of the other balls, blocks and rollers we have selected as appropriate for SMR.
From the first hour you’ll be engrossed in hands-on SMR techniques addressing the 3 primary regions, the relevant portions of the 16 secondary regions, and the 14 extended regions that affect the shoulder or the 15 extended regions that affect the hip & lower back. The majority of the class is targeted at either the shoulder or the hip, with any additional areas covered as time permits.
You will learn how to address the first, next, and last muscles that you should be working on through your SMR homework. (Do your homework!)
Not all joint problems can be fixed through SMR, but you will learn what to look for so you know when to call for help.
Imagine 3 hours of massage…it’s similar to that!
All participants receive 4 hours of hands-on instruction in the Alexander Method of SMR, a digital copy of the Shoulder or Hip SMR Mini-Clinic manual (Written instructions with full-color pictures and anatomical illustrations for all 19 fundamental SMR exercises plus the additional extended SMR exercises for the shoulder or hip in a 125-page workbook) and a high-density SMR ball.
Additional educational materials are available as well as products from Rumble Roller, Trigger Point Performance, massage-grade marble or basalt stones, and some of the other balls, blocks and rollers we have selected as appropriate for SMR.
Register for as little as $65 per person
February 19, 2012 Shoulder Mini-Clinic, Dogtown CrossFit April 7, 2012 Hip Mini-Clinic, SoCal Location TBD June 23, 2012 Shoulder Mini-Clinic, SoCal Location TBD October 20, 2012 Hip Mini-Clinic, SoCal Location TBD
8-Hour 1-Day SMR Clinic
From the first hour you’ll be engrossed in hands-on SMR techniques addressing the 3 primary regions and the 16 secondary regions, otherwise known as the Fundamentals.
The majority of the class is targeted at not only WHAT to do and HOW to do it, but also WHEN to choose one SMR exercise over another. How to program SMR into your training is a big part of this class, and you’ll walk away with a much deeper appreciation of how to recognize whether you need more roller or ball work, more rest between SMR sessions, or whether you really must enlist the aid of professional assistance.
You will learn how to address the first, next, and last muscles that you should be working on through your SMR homework. (Do your homework!)
Not all joint problems can be fixed through SMR, but you will learn what to look for so you know when to call for help.
Imagine hours of light and deep tissue massage…it’s similar to that!
All participants receive 8 hours of hands-on instruction in the Alexander Method of SMR, a digital copy of the Fundamentals of SMR manual (Written instructions with full-color pictures and anatomical illustrations in a 85-page workbook) and a high-density SMR ball.
Additional educational materials are available as well as products from Rumble Roller, Trigger Point Performance, massage-grade marble or basalt stones, and some of the other balls, blocks and rollers we have selected as appropriate for SMR.
From the first hour you’ll be engrossed in hands-on SMR techniques addressing the 3 primary regions, the 16 secondary regions, and the 41 extended regions that affect how your body moves.
You will learn how to address the first, next, and last muscles that you should be working on through your SMR homework. (Do your homework!)
Not all joint problems can be fixed through SMR, but you will learn what to look for so you know when to call for help.
Imagine 8 hours of light and deep tissue massage PLUS programming instruction for how to plug the SMR techniques into your training…it’s similar to that!
All participants receive a printed copy of the Alexander Method of SMR manual (Written instructions with full-color pictures and anatomical illustrations in a 194-page workbook) and a high-density SMR ball.
Additional educational materials are available as well as products from Rumble Roller, Trigger Point Performance, massage-grade marble or basalt stones, and some of the other balls, blocks and rollers we have selected as appropriate for SMR.
Register for as little as $325 per person
May 19-20, 2012 SoCal Location TBD September 22-23, 2012 SoCal Location TBD
Are you a Gym owner and would like to schedule a clinic at your place?
I would be interested in Workshops in New Jersey. Hope North Jersey. Thank you. Michael