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If you haven’t yet registered, then you should do so now. You will get access to more information by registering. The higher your registration, the more access you receive. We have forms and videos that can be downloaded and then printed or viewed. With more than 3 hours of instructional video for stretches and SMR techniques, we’re sure that we can help you take better care of those aches and pains from hard training or your busy life. Use the tabs above to access the stretches and SMR info that appeals to you. Use the links below for client forms, training schedules, and more.

  1. To see a list of our client forms, click here
  2. To see all of our membership options, click here
  3. To see our group training schedules, click here
  4. For acronyms & definitions of terms we use in the workout notes, click here
  5. To find a local massage therapist, click here

New to this site?

If you haven’t yet registered, then you should do so now. You will get access to more information by registering. The higher your registration, the more access you receive. We have forms and videos that can be downloaded and then printed or viewed. With more than 3 hours of instructional video for stretches and SMR techniques, we’re sure that we can help you take better care of those aches and pains from hard training or your busy life. Use the tabs above to access the stretches and SMR info that appeals to you. Use the links below for client forms, training schedules, and more.

  1. To see a list of our client forms, click here
  2. To see all of our membership options, click here
  3. To see our group training schedules, click here
  4. For acronyms & definitions of terms we use in the workout notes, click here
  5. To find a local massage therapist, click here
You can signup for our ‘Weekend Warrior’ membership at no cost. It allows you access to some valuable downloads and online tools. Click Here to register

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